Looks on Campus- Bridgitte

For this weeks look on campus, I spoke to Bridgitte, who I met sophomore year while working an admissions event. When I saw her wearing a maxi dress the other day – one of the biggest trends for this summer – I knew I had to stop her and ask her a couple of questions so she could be on my blog. I love how she wore one statement piece, and kept the rest of her outfit simple so all of the attention was on her stunning dress. Now, without further ado, I would like to introduce you to Bridgitte!

The Basics

Name: Bridgitte

Major: Business

Hometown: Perry Hall, Md.

Fashion Talk

Current favorite fashion trend? “My current favorite fashion trend is mixing styles from the 90s and 60s and adding a modern twist. I like vintage style with bright colors.”

Favorite places to shop? “Forever 21, Garage, Love Culture, and Pacsun.”

Inspiration for todays look? “My roommate. She dresses like a hippie, and normally I dress more conservatively with bright colors. Bringing a new style into my wardrobe allows me to add a fun twist.”

Any fashion tips? “Be yourself, and be okay with taking risks with new styles. It’s the risks that people always fall in love with!”

Best deal you ever got? “Getting a $185 dress for $5.”

What is your favorite piece in your wardrobe? “A lace cardigan that falls off my shoulder when I wear it and creates a flash dance inspired look.”

About heytherekatrina
Just another 20 year-old college student dreaming of living a Carrie Bradshaw kind of life.

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