Looks on Campus- Camellia

For this weeks look on campus, I talked to Camellia who is in my French literature class. I’ve also admired her electric and girly style amongst the sea of skinny jeans, Hollister shirts,and Uggs, so I stopped her after class the other day to inquire about her personal style.

The Basics

Name: Camellia

Major: Undecided,  Minor in Studio Art

Hometown: All over the world, but primarily Kansas City, Missouri

Fashion Talk

Current favorite fashion trend?
“Pig tails and cat eyes.”

Inspiration for todays look?
“Spring time!! I was dressing in honor of the blooming trees.”

Any fashion tips?
“Dress for yourself, not for what other people will think of you. However, try to avoid leggings and ruffles as much as possible.”

If you could raid any celebrities closet, who would you choose?
“Haha, I wouldn’t! My closet is already full enough and I like what I have.”

Best deal you ever got?
“Hm….I have an indian wrap skirt that’s blue with black elephants I’ve worn every summer since I was in the 7th grade. That’s probably my best deal just from how much use I’ve gotten from it.”

What is your favorite piece in your wardrobe?
“My big maroon sweater that my grandmother knit me, it has a matching hat and I wear them all the time once it gets cold enough.”

About heytherekatrina
Just another 20 year-old college student dreaming of living a Carrie Bradshaw kind of life.

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